Monday, February 9, 2015


Unemployment - The percentage of people who don't have a job but are part of the labor force.
Labor Force - The number of people in a country that are classified as either employed or unemployed.

How to Calculate Unemployment Rate
(number of unemployed / (number of unemployed + number of employed)) x 100
Labor Force : number of unemployed + number of employed x 100

Those Who Are Not Considered to Be in the Labor Force
  • Kids
  • Retired people
  • Military personnel
  • Mentally insane
  • Incarcerated
  • Full time student
  • Stay at home parents
  • Discouraged workers (looking hard for work but can't find it)
What is full employment?
  • Occurs when there is no cyclical unemployment present in the economy.
    • Natural rate of unemployment (NRU) is achieved when labor market are imbalanced.  4-5%
How to get NRU?
  • Structural unemployment+ frictional unemployment
  • We don't count homeless people, based on last job or if you file information
Why is unemployment good?
  • Less pressure to raise wages
  • More workers available for future expansions
Why is unemployment bad?
  • Not enough consumption(GDP)
  • Too much poverty
  • Too much government assistance is needed
Types of Unemployment
  • Frictional - You are between jobs because you chose new opportunities, choices, lifestyle and education levels (this is voluntary)
  • Seasonal - People are waiting for the right season to conduct trade
  • Cyclical - Associated with downturns in the business cycle
  • Structural - Associated with lack of skills (illiteracy, or perhaps a shift in location) or declining industry or change in technology)
Okun's Law - For every one percent of unemployment above NRU causes a 2% decline in real GDP.
  • Ex. NRU = 3.5%, we give up 7% of real GDP

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