Sunday, May 17, 2015

Absolute vs Comparative Advantage

Absolute Advantage
  • Individual - Exists when a person can produce more of a certain good/service than someone else in the same amount of time
  • National - same as individual
  • Looking at what's faster, more efficient
Comparative Advantage
  • Individual/National - When they can produce good/service at a lower opportunity cost than another individual or nation
  • Only one nation can have the absolute advantage in one product
  • Looking at lower opportunity cost
Input Problem vs. Output Problem (Comparative)

  • Input Problem - What can be produced using least amount of resources (land or time)
    • Chosen Item/Forgone Item
  • Output Problem - Deals with production
    • What is given up/what is produced
  • Both problems look at lower opportunity cost


  1. i really admire how you have organized these notes... the absolute advantage graphs will assist me for future reference. i now have w better understanding of what output problem is and what is its purpose.

  2. This cleared up any problems I had with knowing how to set up the input/output problems
